Digital Customer Experience Strategy : Actions to Impact or just hyperbole Originally Published May 21, 2018 Introduction : The Data connection According to an article in Forrester magazine, November 2016, ‘74% of companies say they want to be data driven, but only less than 29% are actually successful at connecting analytics to action.’ Digital Customer…
Category: Digital Experience
How Big is Big Data?
How Big is Big Data? Originally published April 20, 2018 Introduction When an user visits an internet page, or sends an email, or uploads a picture somewhere, or provides his / her phone number to coffee shop, or swipes credit card at a store, or visits a bank to make deposit or withdraw money…

Bias in AI: Cognitive bias in machine learning
Bias in AI: Cognitive bias in machine learning AI Bias: inherent flaw or mere side effect! Originally Published April 18, 2018 Introduction Artificial Intelligence is broadly referred to as any source, channel, device or usage application whereby tasks normally attributed to human intelligence, such as reasoning, interpretation of facts, storage and deduction of information…