Microsoft has mostly been recognized as the industry leader in technology and innovation. Having cornered 90% of world personal computer market and having massively popular enterprise services as a cash cow meant that Microsoft always carried significant advantage over its competitors and peers. It could literally burn few billions in cash and not break…
Category: Digital
Is Security better in Cloud?
Introduction A little more than a decade ago when the term Cloud, Cloud computing, and other terms associated with enterprise IT systems started to become part of technical discussions and mainstream IT topics, most IT professionals and managers, let aside outsiders, acted more in disbelief than with optimism. The initial reactions to Cloud computing and…
A look at how the Big Tech is building their own Infrastructure!
Big Tech companies and investment in Cable Network Infrastructure Introduction According to some the vast expanse of Internet infrastructure is really just a spaghetti-work of really long wires spread everywhere. While most of the humans now largely experience the internet through Wi-Fi and phone data, the connectivity itself is provided by systems carrying the…
Agile Testing – A real world outlook
How does Agile testing work as an integrated component of development journeys When working on an Agile project, there is continuous discussion about development processes and timely, iterative delivery to customers. For the most part, Testing is construed, without much thought, to be an ‘included’ part of Agile Development process, just as design…
Agile Mindset
Agile Mindset -: Understanding principles before leading Introduction A mindset, or state of mind, is a set of beliefs, thoughts, biases, assumptions and values held by an individual or a group of individuals that leads the individual or the group respectively towards the choices they make. The Humans are most comfortable in choosing paths…
Agile Coach
Agile Coach Introduction For any team and in any team setting, the role of a coach assumes centerstage in addressing the grooming, training and teaching requirements. The coach must possess skills about the primary reason of assembly of team, and must possess deep understanding of the nuances of the game. An effective coach knows…
Scaling Scrum: Agile and Agility
Scaling Scrum: Mission Impossible or a walk in the park! Introduction What does scaling Scrum mean? Scaling Scrum is a challenge that many enterprises face due to multitude of factors – growing complexity of the projects, changing needs of the organization, increase ROI, need to justify investment, or simply to appear to be following…
Introduction to Microservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture Originally Published July 21, 2018 Introduction All software systems exist to serve a business need. However all software systems are not made in the same way or follow the same structure. Software systems vary in their complexity and size. There’s a an ecosystem that exists across a wide spectrum ranging from traditional…
Digital Customer Experience Strategy
Digital Customer Experience Strategy : Actions to Impact or just hyperbole Originally Published May 21, 2018 Introduction : The Data connection According to an article in Forrester magazine, November 2016, ‘74% of companies say they want to be data driven, but only less than 29% are actually successful at connecting analytics to action.’ Digital Customer…
DevOps is the new Agile
DevOps is the new Agile Originally Published June 10, 2018 Image Credit: Internet Introduction By definition, Agile, as the term suggests, is a faster, unconventional way of producing working software according to customer specifications. The idea behind Agile is to have the ability to respond to customer feedback, bug fixes during previous deployments and…